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Anastasia Leligdowicz, BSc

PhD Researcher

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PhD Researcher at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, in the field of evolutionary and molecular biology. Currently researching molecular mechanisms underpinning the learning and memory of the single-celled, brainless blob - the slime mould, Physarum polycephalum.

Research Interests


Currently, my research focuses on using functional genomics and epigenetic to understand the behaviour and learning in a single-celled brainless blob, Physarum polycephalum


The brainless slime mould Physarum polycephalum is a fascinating and powerful model system for examining questions related to the evolution of learning and memory.


It is a large single-celled, multinucleated amoeba capable of navigating mazes, solving nutritional challenges and creating highly efficient cytoskeletal networks, similar to those of railway or road networks. 



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PhD Candidate

University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Funded By EASTBIO.

BSc Hons Biology

Queen Mary University of London 

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